I know, Solstice was two days ago.
June 23rd is when Danes burn off their yard clippings. Actually, they don't, that is mostly prohibited these days, but it is bonfire-night across the country. The beaches will light up and a few effigies burned. Fireworks. Singing. Speeches at the bonfires - at least those officially arranged by the towns and cities.
The seasons are celebrated with more oomph in places where winter used to mean death,. It still means darkness - hence the joy over the light of midsummer.
There is a season for everything - also for this website.
You have probably already noticed that I don't post as frequently as I used to. Covid did throw a wrench into the immigration patterns, and although more Danes are moving to Silicon Valley, California, USA, or out into the world, again, I have found that they can still find what they need on my website - without me having to be excited/annoyed/disturbed or, above all, commenting on what happens in the valley.
I am still writing - slightly different subjects and style - on www.bizcatalyst360.com and naturally on Linkedin.
My website will still be here although it has been frozen at the start of 2025. You may over time find links to other sites stop working. My regrets.
Thanks for being along for the ride.