Welcome! And Thank you.

US DK Expats is no more as an active player. Thanks for the ride.

But this site is kept functioning as a service to whoever needs the information it contains, see below. Hence, I have frozen the site in its 2025 state which also means that, over time, links to other sites may go obsolete. Yet, should you find something on my site that you want to discuss, please don't hesitate so send me an email.

Many people who have moved to a new country suffer needlessly from culture chock. If this applies to you - or to people you know - this website may still offer help. Some of our problems are practical. We don't know how society works in our new country. Some discomfort is psychological and we may feel incompetent and alienated. But look at that last word: alien-ated - moving has made you an alien, naturally you feel alienated.

There is no cure for discomfort, but there is information to figure out what the new norms are, and there are ways to sort out feelings; when we own our feelings and can talk about them, they no longer own us. In addition to what is on this website, you can do as half a million people have already done and download my ebook “Building Bridges across Cultural Differences” by following the link at the bottom of the page.

US DK Expats’s primary focus was people moving to Silicon Valley, but other expats may find information of interest as well.

Under Local Information you can find descriptions of multiple aspects of life in the US/California/Silicon Valley. As a Dane, my angle has naturally been how the US in general and Silicon Vally in particular differ from Denmark. The English version of the website is intended for non-Danish immigrants to the US and without comparisons to the Danish norm. Consequently the contents are not exact translations and if you are Danish, I suggest you press the little Danish flag and switch to DK mode.

Under Theory you can find an introduction to research from the social sciences about culture differences, adaptation, communication among strangers, learning – all subjects chosen to make entry into a foreign culture more enjoyable. When you understand that your experiences with adjusting are normal, everything becomes easier. You can use this part of the website regardless if you move California, to Denmark, or to any other part of the world. You can even use it right at home to get a better understanding for friends or colleagues from foreign nations.

The Blog: I stopped blogging some years back, but feel free to peruse the historical archive.

Under Resources I have added other websites you may find useful.

Information about moving to Denmark can be found on newtodenmark.dk, the official and very comprehensive website by the Danish Government. Under Resources are additional websites focused on helping people adjusting in Denmark.

Under Biblio you can find an extensive list of books and articles directly or indirectly referenced throughout the website. Some of the biblio entries link to the article if it is available online.

Thank you.