
Some of the websites that address themselves to the expat community have a big element of advertising - not necessarily just of the service that the website itself offers.

Knowing that you can't take for granted that a company will do business with you if you don't have a local credit history, government issued ID from the country of residence, a local social security number (Central Personal Register, CPR number in Denmark) etc., part of this advertisement is totally legitimate and the companies mentioned should realize that you haven't yet gotten the local "quality stamp".

Some websites have good blogs addressing expat challenges; I will accept some advertising for good, instructive, or entertaining blogs. And then there is the rest... I have already said too much about the rest.

Use one of these links and the site will open in a new window. Just close that window and you will return to this page.

Moving anywhere, but most about USA


You can learn facts about history, geography, economy, demography for more or less all countries from the official site of the Central Intelligence Agency: is a handbook with links to public offices from the tax collector to the immigration services. The link goes to the USA page; the site has information about many other countries.

In the USA the individual states have their own very useful and informative websites. gets you to the official site of the State of California. You can replace ca with the abbreviation of any one of the other states (see The 50 States).

For Companies wanting to do business in the U.S.

Locally placed in Palo Alto, Innovation Center Denmark offers their local network and a program specifically for start up companies.

The confederation of Danish Industry (DI) is another source of assistance for companies that want to explore the American market.

For both business and social arrangements, the Danish-American Chamber of Commerce of Northern California is also available with assistance.

Social Networks

Some resources serve expats from the whole world more or less regardless of where they live. These websites typically have lots of information, not necessarily relevant to you because of where you come from or where you specifically are going - or the combination of these two - but they may be worth looking into. And if they don't cover the country or city where you end up, perhaps you can change that.

Internations is a club organizing parties and events. It is supposedly popular among single expats:

Expat-focus has many relevant informations about most countries. Content seem to rely on user input:

The website gives you an opportunity to find local groups with interests similar to yours. One cluster is "New in Town", and the site suggests groups depending on where your electronic device is physically located.

Moving to Denmark:

As I have never had to move to Denmark the quality of the Danish services is totally unknown to me. But these seem to have something to offer. And neither of them pay me for telling you about them.


If you just want to know more about Denmark the country has its own website. has information on history, Danish calendar events, the monarchy, customs etc. The official welcome site of the Danish Government for people moving to the country branches to every government agency necessary - and to sites for getting to know other expats:

You may also join the Facebook or LinkedIn groups Denmark and Expat in Denmark for partaking in the discussions and finding natives and local expats with a mind to help each other.

For people or businesses interested in the Copenhagen area, Copenhagen Capacity,, has many links to services such as schools, accommodations, relocation agencies etc. and the office is in itself a place to look for information on establishing businesses in Denmark.

This new website,, may also be helpful if moving to Copenhagen.

The regions of Denmark each have a visitor site. Aarhus, the second biggest city in Denmark, has has a local support group with free membership For other regions, change aarhus in the URL to the region's name.

Social Network

A source to information with a service component for hire is

If you are in Copenhagen and are female you can join LinkDenmark, Ladies International Network København. It is a club, so it comes with membership costs, but it gives you access to kids club, outings, movie events, cafe visits, and - above all - a chance to meet other people who have similar experiences of moving to a new country. You will be surprised how useful that can be. Once you have friends perhaps you don't need a club, but it can be a place to start:

For the needs of accompanying families you can also contact this agency. They offer cultural training and hand holding for the first challenging period of a transfer:

Alternatively you can consider joining the International Rotary Club in Copenhagen. Around half of the members are foreigners but you will also get to know internationally experienced Danes and meetings are conducted in English:
See CIRC's groups on Facebook and LinkedIn.

The website gives you an opportunity to find local groups with interests similar to yours. One cluster is "New in Town", and the site suggests groups depending on where your electronic device is physically located.

Additional sources for reading more theory

World Values Survey is fully available online. The website gives access to raw data for analysis and multiple articles where these data have already been analyzed:

European Social Survey is also fully available with raw data for analysis and multiple articles:

A profile along 4, 5 or 6 of Hofstede's dimensions is available for most countries on this website:

Schwartz's model of Individual values - not the culture model - is available in short form at:
Schwartz's Personal Values.