ORIGINAL ARTICLES AND REVIEWS - Psychological Differences in Stayers and Leavers: Emigration Desires in Central and Eastern European University Students

Thu, 2011-11-10 14:27 -- charlotte Wittenkamp
TitleORIGINAL ARTICLES AND REVIEWS - Psychological Differences in Stayers and Leavers: Emigration Desires in Central and Eastern European University Students
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2004
AuthorsFrieze, IH, Boneva, BS, Sarlija, N, Horvat, J, Ferligoj, A, Kogovsek, T, Miluska, J, Popova, L, Korobanova, J, Sukhareva, N, Erokhina, L, Jarosova, E
JournalEuropean psychologist.
Date Published2004///
ISBN Number1016-9040