The bird in the waterfall : a natural history of oceans, rivers and lakes

lør, 12 nov 2011 - 2:47 pm -- charlotte Wittenkamp
TitelThe bird in the waterfall : a natural history of oceans, rivers and lakes
Publication TypeBook
Year of Publication1996
ForfattereDennis, J, Wolff, G
CityNew York
ISBN Number0060170948 9780060170943

There is nothing in the universe like water. It is unique, a chemical anomaly, and without it there could be no life on earth. It is little wonder that for thousands of years people the world over have expressed awe, delight, and reverence for this life-giving and mysterious substance. The Bird in the Waterfall is a celebration of the wonders of water and a lively foray into the natural history of rivers, lakes, and oceans. With engaging text and illustrations, author. Jerry Dennis and illustrator Glenn Wolff explore waterfalls and seeping springs, oceans waves and tidal bores, whirligig beetles and torrent ducks, mermaids and manatees. The Bird in the Waterfall blends interesting and unusual scientific research with historical anecdotes, mariner's tales, folklore, and personal observations to address dozens of age-old aquatic mysteries. At the heart of The Bird in the Waterfall is a passionate appreciation for the magic, music, and. poetry of water, and an appeal for the protection of this most precious of the earth's resources.